Sunday, August 31, 2014


We, the Wilkes-Barre Taxpayers' Association (WBTPA) have shared anecdotes among ourselves. One aspect about WBPD Chief Gerard Dessoye that we share in common is that we have never heard Dessoye make a statement or an appearance at night.

No matter whether it is an assault, rape, or murder - we can count on one thing - Gerard Dessoye will be missing. In fact, weeks can go by without a word from Dessoye.

Let's play pretend for a moment. Let's assume a student at Kings is assaulted and died at the scene after bleeding to death. Here is how a courtroom may sound (Attorney for family of the deceased questioning Father Ryan of KINGS College):

Attorney: On the night of the incident, was Gerard Dessoye called?
Father Ryan: Yes
Attorney: Did he answer?
Father Ryan: No
Attorney: Why not?
Father Ryan: I wasn't given a reason
Attorney: You were told through various channels that drinking is a problem for Dessoye, correct? In fact many would consider him to be alcoholic.
Father Ryan: Yes. 

Attorney: And you hired him anyway?
Father Ryan: That is correct.
Attorney: In a situation where a student is assaulted and bleeding... would you agree that seconds and minutes are precious?
Father Ryan: I would imagine so, yes.
Attorney: Should not the head of security - to the extent possible - be ready in such life threatening situations?
Father Ryan: I would hope so in a general way
Attorney: And can you see how time was lost in efforts to reach Dessoye who wasn't answering his phone?
Father Ryan: I suppose so.

Attorney: Were you aware of Dessoye's alleged history before hiring him? The protected drug house. The loaner car scam. The entire corruption scheme with LAG. The records he didn't keep. Two of his cops caught in the credit union scam. Gas gate etc...
Father Ryan: I am afraid so, yes
Attorney: You were on the faculty, weren't you, when the raid on "The Mines" nightclub took place?
Father Ryan: Yes I was. Father O'hara was president then.
Attorney: You also know that the police station itself was raided by federal agaents in the past two years?
Father Ryan: I read that.
Attorney: And you also know of the approximately 7 federal investigations going on with the city and/or police
Father Ryan: I don't know if the number is seven... but I know some investigations are going on. 

Attorney: How many candidates for the security position were there?
Father Ryan: Just Dessoye
Attorney: There was no posting of the job?
Father Ryan: No
Attorney: Given his history, can you tell the court why you hired him and why you overlooked red flags eveywhere?
Father Ryan: OK. I will confess. We hired him as a political favor to Leighton and Dessoye. We hired him for his role in "taking out" the "Mines" nightclub. We also have various property deals in the works and we owe the city some favors. We somehow got stuck in the vicious "quid pro quo" cycle. I should have never hired Dessoye. It's all been a terrible mistake.
Attorney: Is there a chance that the student who died may have lived had security been handled in a proactive and sober way?
Father Ryan: Yes. There exists that possibility.

We hope KINGS factors all pieces of information into their decision process because nearly all violence occurs at night. Not surprisingly, the city of WB has hired two spokespersons which seems odd give it is a city of only 40,000. Yet it makes perfect sense when one considers both Leighton and Dessoye need broad "coverage" at night corresponding to rising blood alcohol levels. 

KINGS needs to apply Godly wisdom - and quite frankly - just plain old common sense. The entire KINGS community is at risk when one factors in the likelihood of a lawsuit. 

If you are a KINGS stakeholder and are upset by what you have read in this post and the ones before it (scroll down)... I encourage you to call Father Ryan. TIME IS SHORT. Otherwise KINGS will reap what it sows.   KINGS PHONE  (570) 208-5900

(Last gasp attempt for sobriety: This would be so much easier if certain individual received treatment. Please get help. It is a much easier life than the ones you are living)



Dessoye's “red flags." On his watch the followong occurred:

… the horrific “Cars for Cash” (Lag Towing scandal) scandal
… Dessoye did not maintain LAG records despite it being required in the city contract
… Loaner vehicles or “bribe vehicles” were illegally being used by cops (from LAG). Dessoye did nothing.
… An old heroin-addicted girlfriend of Dessoye’s ran a drug house with immunity. I have the police reports filed.
… the two cops indicted in the Credit Union case were active cops under Dessoye
… It is widely known that Dessoye cannot and could not be counted on after a certain time of night allegedly due to drinking
… his police station was raided by the FBI (see below). What does this tell you?  
… the murder rate in 2013 put Wilkes-Barre on par with Newark or Camden

In addition, according to the WBTPA, there are seven ongoing federal investigations against the city and/or police. These all occurred on Dessoye’s watch.

7 Federal Investigations

(1)            Federal raid two years ago on WB police (LAG?)

(2)            Federal raid on Credit union (commenced)

(3)            Federal jurisdiction over Gas Gate

(4)            Federal Investigation into Parking Authority

(5)            Federal Raid on Sherman Hil

         (6)      Federal raid on LAG business in Duryea (August 2014)

(7)  Federal Grand Jury set up for City Vest
                        and ... Conviction of Leo Glodzik of LAG Towing in FBI Sting

Saturday, August 30, 2014



A trusted source has contacted the WB Taxpayers Association (WBTPA) and suggested the "other half" of a "Quid pro Quo."

A trade may be in play. 

(A) In exchange for the WBPD raiding the Mines Night club (near KINGS College) with overwhelming force... 

(B) Father Ryan/KINGS will "pay back" the favor by hiring WBPD chief Dessoye (regardless of his state of mind and/or sobriety) as KINGS security chief. Father Ryan was a faculty member at KINGS during the raid.

Please read about the outrageous raid of the "Mines" club  HERE

(Note: Please read blog post from the bottom up as Part 1 of 4 starts at the bottom)

(Other note: The blog post above was written over  one year ago. Since then we now know that all FBI agents and the US Attorney are united as one fighting corruption in Wilkes-Barre regardless of where they went to school or perceptions from 13 months ago.)

Part of what happened... 


         April 30, 2009
-          30 law enforcement officials
-          Included were Sheriff Savokinas, 8 sheriff deputies, & 4 vehicles
-          3 Pa LCB agents
-          A Wilkes-Barre SWAT team (I kid you not)
-          8 WB Police vehicles
-          2 K-9 dogs
… and they issued no citations. They were just there to intimidate!!

City: Donald H. Brobst and Thomas J. Campenni of Rosen Jenkins and Greenwald
County: Deborah H. Simon and John Dean of Elliot Greenleaf Law firm
CollegeDavid L. Schwalm of Thomas, Thomas and Hafer, LLP

Who pays for the misbehavior of city/county?    YOU DO !!

LASTLY... it appears that questionable dealings between KINGS/DESSOYE/LEIGHTON have beem happening for some time and all trnsactions need to be looked at. Fortunately the civil suit is bringing certain things to light.

Everyone including the WBTPA wamts KINGS to succeed... but many deals appear have to hurt the taxpayers.

The WBTPA requests a federal investigation. We believe there is cause.



Dessoye's “red flags." On his watch the followong occurred:

… the horrific “Cars for Cash” (Lag Towing scandal) scandal
… Dessoye did not maintain LAG records despite it being required in the city contract
… Loaner vehicles or “bribe vehicles” were illegally being used by cops (from LAG). Dessoye did nothing.
… An old heroin-addicted girlfriend of Dessoye’s ran a drug house with immunity. I have the police reports filed.
… the two cops indicted in the Credit Union case were active cops under Dessoye
… It is widely known that Dessoye cannot and could not be counted on after a certain time of night allegedly due to drinking
… his police station was raided by the FBI (see below). What does this tell you?  
… the murder rate in 2013 put Wilkes-Barre on par with Newark or Camden

In addition, according to the WBTPA, there are seven ongoing federal investigations against the city and/or police. These all occurred on Dessoye’s watch.

7 Federal Investigations

(1)            Federal raid two years ago on WB police (LAG?)

(2)            Federal raid on Credit union (commenced)

(3)            Federal jurisdiction over Gas Gate

(4)            Federal Investigation into Parking Authority

(5)            Federal Raid on Sherman Hil

         (6)      Federal raid on LAG business in Duryea (August 2014)

(7)  Federal Grand Jury set up for City Vest
                        and ... Conviction of Leo Glodzik of LAG Towing in FBI Sting

Friday, August 29, 2014


Members of the Wilkes-Barre Taxpayers Association has posted blogs, written letters, and sent e mails to KINGS College regarding the anticipated hiring of WBPD Chief Gerard Dessoye as head of security at Kings. No one at King’s College can feign ignorance to the matters we have spoken about.

Some individuals, with good intentions, have suggested that “we just stop our noise… just let Kings have him… at least he’ll be gone from WBPD.” We feel that such sentiment is uncaring and dangerous. “Let’s have KINGS take over our problem” is an attitude that could have catastrophic consequences. They deserve to have the best security possible.

Many, many people have spoken to the WBTPA about Dessoye’s – we will call it what it is – alcoholism (and/or drug addiction if pills involved etc.) We also have overwhelming evidence to believe that Mayor Leighton is an active alcoholic as well. Police Officers, news reporters, crime fighters, TV news personalities, citizens, and bartenders have brought the issue up. The issue has been raised with officials much higher that the chief of police or Mayor. We have yet to hear any person claim that either man is sober, clean, and healthy. Not one. We did not make it up ourselves. Of course… only people as dysfunctional as alcoholics could create the mess/corruption/criminal activity that has become the very essence of Wilkes-Barre. You reap what you sow.

You may be surprised that the WBTPA led with COMPASSION. A member personally took letters to Dessoye, the mayor, the solicitor – even Dessoye’s doctor. After this pursuit absolutely no one can claim that we don’t have sincere beliefs and convictions. We walked the walk. We wanted to give him (Dessoye in this instance) every chance to recover. He wouldn’t. We have since in our various blogs inserted pieces of information on alcoholism where , if followed, could bring about bring recovery. The addiction is deep. Nothing has worked even though we tried. A long shot, yes, but we tried to help. One member in our group has been sober for 28 years in AA.

It has been brought to our attention that Father Ryan is the “big Dessoye backer” at KINGS. This must be part of some agenda we don’t know about because the worse thing that could happen is…

Dessoye – If he gets the job he will absolutely be aided, abetted, and enabled by KINGS. In fact Dessoye will likely die from the disease if the road is paved for him.

KINGS College students and faculty – The safety quotient would take a nose dive. An active alcoholic isn’t capable of ANY job. They are nothing but liabilities. THE WBPD works "in spite of" and "around" Dessoye and he can't be called at night.

Back to Father Ryan. As President, he is obligated to provide the safest campus possible for all of the KINGS community. As a priest (with this hire) he would be failing the community. As a priest he would be failing Dessoye’s health. As a priest he would be failing Dessoye’s soul since alcoholism is clearly a spiritual disease. As a priest he would be failing himself.

I hope and pray that a group conscience prevails and that the best decisions are made. As mentioned - you don’t hire an active alcoholic for ANYTHING. Period. How hard is that? The fact that it has even gone this far (KINGS could have saide Dessoye is not a candidate) is major cause for concern and I would suggest that KINGS find new leadership. Fast.

How you grow your college is as important as if you grow. If clear heads don’t take hold – your school will be sullied. A reputation lost is very hard to regain. Please see the post below to witness the mess that Leighton and Dessoye has made of the city. Again, you reap what you sow. Sober, healthy, and honest individuals would never have let this occur.

Thursday, August 28, 2014


Two very reliable sources approached members of the Wilkes-Barre Taxpayers' Association (WBTPA) and affirmed that KING'S is offering WB Police Chief Gerard Dessoye the KINGS security post so Dessoye (KINGS GRAD) could keep his pension in the likely event he was forced out of his police chief job due to wide-spread corruption.


Is it the mission of KINGS COLLEGE to rescue criminals?
Is it the calling of FATHER RYAN to act as an aider, abbetor, and enabler?



It appears the hiring of Dessoye at KINGS is still on schedule. KINGS has been notified about Dessoye’s liabilities surrounding alcohol via
1) a recent letter by the WBTPA
2) a letter dated at least one year ago
3) the WB Taxpayers Association through this very public blog.

If hired, here are the likely and predictable roles for Dessoye:
(1)  Serve actively as security chief in an impaired state
(2)  Hide in the corner… stay at home… stay out of the way… and collect a salary.
            … liability would be present with both (1) or (2) above.

Let’s assume a girl is raped on KINGS campus. This would be horrible. But for a moment – let’s look at the legal aspect. Who is in charge? Dessoye. He needs to be of sober and sound mind. Kings would be exposed to huge liability if he is found to be inebriated. The injured party could always argue that something could have been done. Some proactive measure. Anything but what they got.

The important aspect here is that KINGS is privy to this knowledge and apparently is nonplussed. This is ALARMING.

No sane or rational person would take this chance… unless… unless… a deal has been made. This hiring looks like:
- a favor being repaid (For what?... is the question)
- a favor being proffered (What is expected in return?)

The underpinnings of a bribe are present. This is so because nobody would freely make such a stupid and insane offer. The terms are murky... even unkown. KINGS would have no reason to hide if everything was above board.

As mentioned before we hope that Dessoye gets the help he needs. One would think that Reverand Ryan (Is it Father Ryan?) would first look after this human failing. Unfortunately it appears he is being pulled by another agenda.

At a core human level… members of the WBTPA who have gained sobriety would be happy to help Gerard Dessoye. Recovery is possible and would transform the chief’s life. But he has to want it. Everything gets better when one is sober.

Lastly... whether Dessoye gets the job or not... a deal appears to have been consummated. Exchanges have been made. Intents have been made known. And it all looks fishy... even if the deal ultimately gets ripped off the table.


Leighton hires a KINGS grad... and hired more previously... KINGS sends Leighton campaign money...City Vest is under a grand jury investigation (when KINGS President O'Hara was on the board)... Leighton's kids allegedly went to KINGS for free... KINGS takes hold of a non-taxable property on the square... and now KINGS is to hire an impaired police chief?

The biggest RED FLAG is the hiring of Dessoye. The new Physiciam Assistant program sounds wonderful. But the details needs to be scrutinized. The WBTPA trusts no one from city hall or KINGS.

There is enough smoke here and as such, we will be turning all of this over to the FBI. After all, they are the pros and we are but taxpayers.

Here is a re-cap of some of Dessoye's “red flags." Nobody could honestly hire this man. Dessoye was the chief of police during:
… the horrific “Cars for Cash” (Lag Towing scandal) scandal
… Dessoye did not maintain LAG records despite it being required in the city contract
… Loaner vehicles or “bribe vehicles” were illegally being used by cops (from LAG). Dessoye did nothing.
… An old heroin-addicted girlfriend of Dessoye’s ran a drug house with immunity. I have the police reports filed.
… the two cops indicted in the Credit Union case were active cops under Dessoye
… It is widely known that Dessoye cannot and could not be counted on after a certain time of night allegedly due to drinking
… his police station was raided by the FBI (see below). What does this tell you?  
… the murder rate in 2013 put Wilkes-Barre on par with Newark or Camden

In addition, according to the WBTPA, there are seven ongoing federal investigations against the city and/or police. These all occurred on Dessoye’s watch.

7 Federal Investigations

(1)            Federal raid two years ago on WB police (LAG?)

(2)            Federal raid on Credit union (commenced)

(3)            Federal jurisdiction over Gas Gate

(4)            Federal Investigation into Parking Authority

(5)            Federal Raid on Sherman Hil

         (6)      Federal raid on LAG business in Duryea (August 2014)

(7)  Federal Grand Jury set up for City Vest
                        and ... Conviction of Leo Glodzik of LAG Towing in FBI Sting

To students, parents, alumni, faculty, and friends of King’s: We contend that this hiring is an embarrassment to the many people of integrity that represent Kings. No thoughtful person could make such a hire. It is your university and the safety of your students and faculty are at stake. Transparency is absolutely necessary for a matter that affects everyone on campus.

  CITIZENS VOICE article regarding poor controls at credit union         HERE
   CITIZENS VOICE: WB Twp Fire Chief enters gulty plea                     HERE