Friday, August 29, 2014


Members of the Wilkes-Barre Taxpayers Association has posted blogs, written letters, and sent e mails to KINGS College regarding the anticipated hiring of WBPD Chief Gerard Dessoye as head of security at Kings. No one at King’s College can feign ignorance to the matters we have spoken about.

Some individuals, with good intentions, have suggested that “we just stop our noise… just let Kings have him… at least he’ll be gone from WBPD.” We feel that such sentiment is uncaring and dangerous. “Let’s have KINGS take over our problem” is an attitude that could have catastrophic consequences. They deserve to have the best security possible.

Many, many people have spoken to the WBTPA about Dessoye’s – we will call it what it is – alcoholism (and/or drug addiction if pills involved etc.) We also have overwhelming evidence to believe that Mayor Leighton is an active alcoholic as well. Police Officers, news reporters, crime fighters, TV news personalities, citizens, and bartenders have brought the issue up. The issue has been raised with officials much higher that the chief of police or Mayor. We have yet to hear any person claim that either man is sober, clean, and healthy. Not one. We did not make it up ourselves. Of course… only people as dysfunctional as alcoholics could create the mess/corruption/criminal activity that has become the very essence of Wilkes-Barre. You reap what you sow.

You may be surprised that the WBTPA led with COMPASSION. A member personally took letters to Dessoye, the mayor, the solicitor – even Dessoye’s doctor. After this pursuit absolutely no one can claim that we don’t have sincere beliefs and convictions. We walked the walk. We wanted to give him (Dessoye in this instance) every chance to recover. He wouldn’t. We have since in our various blogs inserted pieces of information on alcoholism where , if followed, could bring about bring recovery. The addiction is deep. Nothing has worked even though we tried. A long shot, yes, but we tried to help. One member in our group has been sober for 28 years in AA.

It has been brought to our attention that Father Ryan is the “big Dessoye backer” at KINGS. This must be part of some agenda we don’t know about because the worse thing that could happen is…

Dessoye – If he gets the job he will absolutely be aided, abetted, and enabled by KINGS. In fact Dessoye will likely die from the disease if the road is paved for him.

KINGS College students and faculty – The safety quotient would take a nose dive. An active alcoholic isn’t capable of ANY job. They are nothing but liabilities. THE WBPD works "in spite of" and "around" Dessoye and he can't be called at night.

Back to Father Ryan. As President, he is obligated to provide the safest campus possible for all of the KINGS community. As a priest (with this hire) he would be failing the community. As a priest he would be failing Dessoye’s health. As a priest he would be failing Dessoye’s soul since alcoholism is clearly a spiritual disease. As a priest he would be failing himself.

I hope and pray that a group conscience prevails and that the best decisions are made. As mentioned - you don’t hire an active alcoholic for ANYTHING. Period. How hard is that? The fact that it has even gone this far (KINGS could have saide Dessoye is not a candidate) is major cause for concern and I would suggest that KINGS find new leadership. Fast.

How you grow your college is as important as if you grow. If clear heads don’t take hold – your school will be sullied. A reputation lost is very hard to regain. Please see the post below to witness the mess that Leighton and Dessoye has made of the city. Again, you reap what you sow. Sober, healthy, and honest individuals would never have let this occur.

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