Saturday, August 2, 2014

Who is investigating the legal bills?

It would be nice to see some meaty stories on issues that dramatically affect the city.

1) Be bold and write about substance abuse that YOU reporters talk to me about. It can't be libel if it is true. There are thousands of witnesses to their diseased drinking.

2)  Pin Leighton down as to why he hasn't terminated the LAG contract AFTER Glodzik was found guilty of a felony. And ask hin for the results of his investigation.

3) Probe into the legal bills that Leighton and Dessoye charge to the public for their own crimes and/or wrongdoings. 
- City solictor  Bill Vinsko
City solictor  Tim Henry
- Parking Authority solicitor Murray Ufberg
- Rosen Jenkins and Greenwald

- WB Eliot and Greenleaf representing the city (against fireman Tyler Hammond) when it was obvious to the "dumbest brick in the stack" that Leighton gave Leo Glodzik an inside sweetheart deal.

- Conrad & O'brien from Philly was paid $5,000.  WHY? This all relates to the Parking Authority.
   ... Are $5,000 of taxes being used to defend Murray Ufberg (the solicitor)?
   ... Are $5,000 of taxes being used to protect Leighton? If so, where was Murray Ufberg during all of this?
   ... I believe Murray Ufberg of RJG, as an attorney and the people's (city) solicitor owes an explanation as to why the city needs a defense team at a cost of $5,000.
   ... If Murray Ufberg wasn't present to and/or a party to corruption... then where the heck was he? 

I implore the Times Leader to document all of the legal bills the Leighton and company are "adding to the tab" of the city. This is incredibly distressing.

Please start with the salaries of Vinsko and Henry (WB solicitors) and work from there.


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