Saturday, August 6, 2016

Viewer comments... after 3 million views

Comments after 3 million views... "Oh how the tide has turned"

Mark I love your blogs but I love your heart more. I would not be in my house if you didn't help me through my medical emergency. I know that you have not taken a penny for your blog and at the same time have helped countless people in dire straits. You are my hero and I am glad my kids have gotten to see what a hero looks like and acts.

Mark Robbins is one of the few people I Message.  I found some peace with Mark Robbins  and he has given relevant action against the very corrupt Politicians & Cronies in Luzerne County. Anyone raped or molested or anyone scared at KINGS COLLEGE or LUZERNE County ......go to his site and reach out for help/Justice/people who will fight with you.  Thank you Mark M Robbins, more than you could ever know..........I Thank you so much !

Mark you are a lone voice of credibility. The papers won't touch what you have the guts to point out. Everything you say comes true... whether it is dirty cops or Leighton or Dessoye. You warned us of Dessoye. Thank you. You are a local hero.

Mr. Robbins. Your impact is significant. The state trooper crashing into the bus stop  wouldn't have been charged with a thing if you hadn't spoken. JJ Murphy is now scamming another city just like you pointed out here. Pedri's dad stealing $100 k would not have happened if not for your blog.

We trust you far more than the papers. The papers only publish the "safest" of stories... they just copy/paste results of reports and court proceedings. You are the only true investigator in town. 

I think it is OK to say we know each other through a 12 step program. I have never seen a group of people more enabled than the "corrupt elite" in Wilkes-Barre. You have pointed out deficiencies - and you have also lent your hand to help these same people. They didn't listen and a man like Gerard Dessoye will now have to suffer indignity and embarrassment to the grave. You tried to help him (and King's) put the genie back in the bottle and they ignored you. King;s is now seriously scarred as well. So sad.

There are people that hate you. And they are the corrupt or those that cover up for the wrong doers. You have immense respect from the honest people in the area (the ones getting screwed).

Mr Robbins... You are like an anti-corruption savant. I have never seen a reporter the the instincts you have. 

There are few people or things one can count on these days. What I count on is this blog stating the truth over and over again. It is amazing. You blog is like a "holy book" for anti corruption. You are the best. Thank you for all you do.

Only you get taken to court for...
... a facebook post for a cop's wife's hurt feelings (Lisa Cope; a woman running for Mayor)
... only you get taken to court for taking a picture of a an illegally driven cop car (1st ever trespassing charge behind the police station)
... only you get charged with "leaving the scene of an accident" when no accident was reported and you left a minor scratch at Motorworld... while state trooper MacRae takes out a bus stop and has it covered up.
... only you put up with C Bella's sickening photos where you get charged simply because you called her. A Judge threatened you with jail for confronting this sicko for 2 minutes on the phone. Only in Loser County (Thanks Judge Vough) is this even possible.
    The corrupt WBPD tried to take out out in every ridiculous way. You stood strong and you have barely a scratch. I believe God was on your side. I know every honest person was behind you. I salute you.

You have done more to combat corruption and crime than the County detectives and WBPD combined. We would be in a far worse place without you. Unbelievable what you have done.

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