Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Dessoye and a mom's death

Here is the question: What was the role of

WB Police Chief Gerard Dessoye

in the death of 38 year old mom Jennifer Conniff?

I will splice in pictures related to Jennifer’s death

to include her daughter and grandkids she never met.

I want to put “faces” to this death.

Dessoye  not only failed to shut down a known drug house,

but was meeting clandestinely with the “house mother”.

The “lady of the house” was Catherine Meehan.

Besides being a heroin addict herself, she was selling heroin and narcotics.

Free will vs one’s environment

Jennifer Conniff is responsible for her choice to use heroin

Dessoye is responsible for the place of purchase – the environment…

the drug house itself.

Over one hundred 911 calls should have gotten his attention.
How was Dessoye being serviced by Catherine Meehan?

Drugs? Sex? Both? Neither?

The Chief’s impairments not only

compromise the people… but the police that

have to cover for his negligence.

The citizens of Wilkes-Barre deserve better.

The police need a chief they can trust.

Demand it!!

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