Sunday, January 5, 2014

Salavantis needs to face the music

Note to reader: Get involved in anti-corruption. See "Citizen's tool kit" at bottom of this post. Don't just complain... do something!!

DA Stefanie Salavantis:   Whether through incompetency, fear, or a need to please others... she has ventured into corruption. It is obvious that she is failing to prosecute "GAS GATE" to protect other guilty and corrupt parties. This is not fair to the people. In fact it is intolerable.

Once again... why are officials held to a far lower standard? What would happen if someone did a "pump and run" at Turkey Hill. They would be sitting in jail that night.

Confessions regarding Gas Gate:

Times Leader 01/05/14    The city said most of the undocumented fuel was used for municipal purposes.  MOST?  NOT ALL?  This serves as a confession that gas was in fact stolen. 

Times leader  07/06/12    "It was not hidden that I took gas," said Leightonwho defended his action because he filled up his vehicle in lieu of accepting a city-owned car. Everyone knew I took gas."  

IRS:    Did Leighton claim the gas he took (and his wife, two kids, and their friends) on his tax return. The value of what he pilfered is income and should be reported. If, as he said above, he was entitled to it... then he would have no problem in properly reporting to the IRS.

How much did Leo Glodzik take?

I encourage everyone to voice your outrage. There were 150 posts on the TL site today regarding the Gas Gate article. Not one comment was supportive of the DA.

Attorney General: I spoke with the Attorney General and it was suggested that the people can go two ways in regards to Salavantis.

1) GOVERNOR:  Salavantis reports to the Governor. The WB Taxpayer's Association can request that the Governor remove the DA.

2) JUDICIAL REVIEW BOARD:  A disciplinary complaint can also be registered with the "Judicial Review Board." It is obvious that the DA is not genuinely seeking justice for "Gas Gate" but is instead being influenced by corrupt officials. 

We already have a petition started of about 200. Sign up here: 
Sample petitions thus far: People are not bashful

#37Kevin DoughertyAug 4, 2013Wilkes Barre, PA
Several hundred thousand dollars of gas was discovered missing from the Wilkes-Barre city tanks over a year ago. The mayor and others have admitted to using gas for personal vehicles. The Luzerne County District Attorney, Stephanie Salavantis recently told the press that this is not high on her list of priorities.
#36Doug StrawAug 4, 2013Kingston, PA
If the DA does nothing civil disobedience must be considered.
#35Cyndi WilliamsAug 4, 2013Wilkes-Barre, PA
This is so embarrassing to our city. Stefanie - bring to an end!
#34Carrie WoodAug 4, 2013Dallas, PA
This has become a black eye and the billboard will likely cause national attention. DA - DO UR JOB
#33Dorene SchutzAug 4, 2013Wilkes-Barre, PA
#32MaryAnn PopkyAug 4, 2013Wyoming, PA
Ms Salavantis - you must send a message. Otherwise your credibility will melt to nothing.
#31Jason whittmanAug 4, 2013Wilkes Barre, PA
enough is enough

Picture:  We have all seen the billboard showing Leighton pumping gas on a weekend in a t shirt.

How much has been stolen? Within a very tight time frame there is about $240,000 missing.

The full figure (with Glodzik and company) should conservatively
be well over $1,000,000.

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