Friday, January 10, 2014

Please fire FF Chief Hunsinger

Executive Summary: Based on the 11 instances of lies, corruption, and incompetency (below), I strongly recommend that Forty Fort Police Chief Hunsinger be fired. As a Forty Fort resident, he could have only treated me worse by physically harming me. He came in under a hail storm of controversy and has shown his true colors in the way he has treated me.

What I report here are facts and educated assumptions based on facts. I raise some very serious issues regarding the conduct of FF police Chief Hunsinger. HUNSINGER, IN AN APPARENT ATTEMPT TO PLEASE THE WB POLICE, INTENTIONALLY BLOCKED ME FROM SEEKING JUSTICE IN REGARDS TO MULTIPLE CHARGES I WISHED TO FILE. AS A RESULT I HAVE BEEN BARRED FROM OUR JUSTICE SYSTEM.

How’d that happen? Read on…

First… it is important to know that one’s local police serves as the only “gatekeeper” to the DA (whether fair or not).

All of the following are dead ends!!

è Go to Magistrate? They will only hear summary offenses. Misdemeanors/felonies are sent to DA. If filed from a private citizen they get tossed. 100 %.
è File a Private criminal complaint? If complaint contains a misdemeanor/felony… the DA tosses it
è Go to State Police?  They tell you to go to local police. But of course Hunsinger, in collusion with WB police, won’t help me.
è Go straight to DA? Again, they will toss any misdemeanor or felony filed from a private citizen.
è FBI or Attorney General?   Filing here is like placing a needle in a hay stack

Folks… this is the way it works. Several attorneys have told me this as well. This is one of the reasons why having a corrupted police chief is such a huge deal.

What this is about

I wanted to file charges against a deranged young woman who has been sending me disgusting letters for over 6 months now. See for yourself.;postID=2383875978610662570;onPublishedMenu=posts;onClosedMenu=posts;postNum=37;src=postname
                                                                        -         Misdemeanor Lewdness
-         Stalking
-         Four counts of harassment
-         Terroristic threats
-         Lying to police (added later)
-         HATE CRIMES  (due to her incessant gay slurs) 

A)  After learning that I was filing charges against her - she turned the tables and had the WB police file charges on me (on hearsay alone). I spoke to her a total of 2.6 minutes.  

B)   Over a six day period the charges against me were changed. Ultimately a damning sentence was added 6 days after the fact. They claimed I used profanity. 

C)  This one sentence that was added made it a misdemeanor. 

D) Yet under oath the originating officer testified that the woman never made mention of the use of profanity. This is of course when it would have been freshest in her head.

E)  Because Hunsinger refused to take my criminal complaint - I have no way of asserting my rights within the Judicial system.

Stated bluntly... "THE FIX IS IN" as it relates to the FF and WB police departnents.

First… if anyone, including Chief Hunsinger, would like to challenge the validity of my statements – I will volunteer to take a polygraph test. I would like Hunsinger to take one as well. Forty Fort deserves to know the truth.

I can and would easily pass with a Yes/True answer to all the following 11 statements on a polygraph. Beginning 09/23/13... 

1)     The WB police, in collusion with Forty Fort police, told FF police to deny my criminal complaint.

2)     The WB police, in collusion with the FF police, instructed the Forty Fort police to claim that it was me who was retaliating and my complaint lacked merit as a result.

3)     I was given the ridiculous analogy that my complaint vs this woman were like “dueling PFA’s” (I had never met this woman).

4)     The Forty Fort police knew I wasn’t retaliating because I had sent them 5 e mails (prior to the WB filing) that I was bringing in charges.

5)     The Forty Fort police “dilly dallied” with my report for 6 days.

6)     Chief Hunsinger offered me the “Magistrate route” knowing full well it was a legal dead end (recall misdemeanors and felonies are thrown out by DA).

7)     Chief Hunsinger offered the “Magistrate route” as a way to assuage and fool the council meeting that he was sincerely trying to help knowing full well that this was a canard.

8)     Chief Hunsinger wrote me a letter saying “he tends to believe” (the woman) even though he never spoke to her.

9)      FF police never interviewed me regarding charges I wished to file. They just denied me.

10) Hunsinger said (in council meeting) that he would only file charges if I could meet the “100 % provable” standard that literally no one else is held to when they file charges. (If you report a burglary do you know with 100% certainty who it is? This is ridiculous. Does “investigation” mean anything?)

11) Hunsinger told me (in front of council) that he would research the aliases that this woman used on line to find out for sure who it is but he never did. (He has treated me with complete disdain despite never knowing me).

2 ½ years ago I was faced with a mob of cops outside LAG Towing in Wilkes-Barre. Lies were made about what happened that day. I was outnumbered. I decided to take a polygraph testPlease see the overwhelming results (scroll to bottom).    Not a single person questioned my credibility after taking the polygraph.

Approaching 3 years of anti-corruption activism, the stages are predictable.
1) Denial
2) Anger
3) Calling me crazy, psychotic or besmirching me in any way
4) Acceptance

If acceptance is not reached,,, the step "5" is retribution. Hunsinger did not start this as retribution against me... but was too weak willed to stop the WB police from gaining the retribution that they wanted (due to my activism work in W-B). If FF Mayor Tuzinski is too weak willed to stand against Hunsinger, then he too will get swept up in the vortex of evil. He needs to "turn or burn" quickly.

The problem for opponents at this point is I have gained too much credibility.
1) I took down LAG Towing almost single handedly. Starting from nothing. 
2) I broke the "bribe car" (loaner cars) scandal from LAG on my own.
3) I have never had any serious argument against any of the work I have done. Anybody can comment at any time. There are 81,000 views on my blog in 6 months
4) The media TV/radio/newspapers respect the work I have done. I have been interviewed on all three.
5) I have helped victims of corruption and others in need to the point where I spend more on others than I do myself.
6) I have "more letters" after my name (education) than anyone that I know of (and I am working for 3 more with Masters in Ministry program).
7) I am 100 % clean and sober all the time. I see my adopted boys about 5 days a week.

Where it stands now

I have a jury trial to prove I wasn’t harassing this woman in the 2 ½ minutes I spoke with her. 

To bring to a misdemeanor level, they (WB) planted some obscenities (6 days after fact) which makes it a jury trial. None of these obscenities were reported the night I phoned this woman (testified to by Officer DeHaut at prelim hearing). The legal cost for me, the recipient of all the hate mail, is around $6,000.

We literally have a jury trial to decide if someone cursed at another person as result of hate mail. A JURY TRIAL!

This is what corrupt cronies like Hunsinger yield to the community. Since he has blocked me from the Justice system, I have had to go to advocacy groups to try and get sound direction. I still receive a creepy letter every 5 days from this lunatic and there is no end in sight. 

I also live with the fear that this crazed (mentally ill) person could at any time escalate. Hunsinger has slammed the door in my face so I can't take this person to court.

If Hunsinger isn’t fired over this – then the Mayor and others should simply resign as they don't have the courage to do what is obviously the right thing to do. I also do not plan to give pardons and play "nicey-nice." If Mayor Tuzinsky plays the softer, more corrupt route... then I suggest he get ready to read about himself because he will be in the news that I write about. 


 Mark M Robbins
 Mark M Robbins
Business Owner
Current candidate for Masters in Ministerial Studies from Liberty University                                                 

MBA Lehigh University  Class Valedictorian
CMA  Certified Mgt Accountant
CFM  Certified Financial Manager
BA Economics   Wake Forest University
Leadership Wilkes-Barre 1997

Finally... Police officer sues chief over free speech See
This story illustrates the extreme dysfunction within Forty Fort.

There are different faces now... but already Mayor Tuzinsky is showing ominous signs. For example, he refuses to answer these two questions from me:
1) When is the next city council meeting? (a real toughie)
2) What is your relationship with Chief Hunsinger over the years? Did you go to school with him?

He won't answer me. Based on this alone I am bold enough to suggest the corruption has already begun... in week one! He is sandbagging for Hunsinger.

I can assure you Mr. Tuzinsky, if you pursue a bunker strategy with Husinger, your life as Mayor will be a living hell. Corruption does this.

When in doubt - do the right thing. Fire Hunsinger. Be transparent. Be honest.

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