Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Jef Foxworthy material for Mayor-elect Frank Sorick

Satirically, Mr Foxworthy has left me with the following for Frank Sorick's campaign event (details below). Enjoy!

If you have been on a billboard for stealing gas, then you might be at the wrong campaign event.

If your name rhymes with "Satan," then you might be at the wrong campaign event.

If you are wasted and want a cop/taxi ride home, then you might be at the wrong campaign event.

If you think a $250 plate comes with a city contract, then you might be at the wrong campaign event.


If you think your presence counts towards work release, then you might be at the wrong campaign event.

If you consider the DA your "bff" (best friend forever), then you might be at the wrong campaign event.

Stef and Tom... together forever !  RMA

If you belong to a skanky, corruption enabling law firm, then you might be at the wrong campaign event.
more seriously...
Frank will not be bought. He has earned position of Mayor.
I will not go back on my word when I say that Tony George was the only elected representative to fight 
Leighton and his corruption (Gas gate, Lag Towing, Sherman Hills, and much more). 

However I am uncomfortable with some events since the Primary:

1) I thought it strange that Tony George would hire George Brown's Campaign Manager.

2) Frank and Tony had an gentleman's agreement that they would not have "pay to play" dinners. 
Tony George held one for $250 per plate. This is a HORRIBLE way to pick contractors.

3) The campaign reports draw concern in that it seemed Tony George was overwelmed by these reports. (I do not think there was criminal intent).

4) Since then he said he may solicit help from colleges in running the city. FOLKS... this is a city of 41,000. Is Tony George really ready?

5) Most importantly... it does not seem that Tony George will debate Frank Sorick. This is very telling.

Frank has one of the brightest minds I know. NO W-B resident has put in more of his own time fighting corruption in W-B. He is the most well rounded and deserving of the position. He knows real estate. he knows business. And he knows the law through paralegal work.

Frank has stood by his principles in not attacking Tony George for the campaign report debacle and has not take any money (possibly negligent amounts this coming Sat). If he runs the city in the principled way he has run his campaign then the citizens will be greatly rewarded.

Lastly, ignorant people attack him for tax arrears without considering who he is responsible for. Such ignorant people also don't know that a spare bedroom in his home has been allotted to homeless folks trying to get a step up. He and his wife not only house these people (of different races) but feed them as well. HOW MANY PEOPLE DO YOU KNOW WHO DO THIS?

Note: I have been promised nothing nor would I take a job with the city. 

See Sorick for Mayor  HERE

Published in today's Times Leader by Frank Sorick (8/12/2015):

All citizens of Wilkes-Barre are invited to attend my campaign kickoff fundraiser from 4 to 6 p.m. this Saturday at Norm’s Pizza, 275 N. Sherman St. (across from Red Cross Bldg)
I’ve been very adamant about not accepting campaign contributions from those who would seek favors from elected officials; for this reason, I am seeking volunteers and/or small donations ($25 suggested, but any amount is acceptable).
If you’re one of the fortunate folks who has any money left after paying the high taxes caused by this unaccountable, tax-and-spend/runaway city government we’ve seen over the past decade, please bring your checkbook to my event. But if you’re like the majority of folks remaining in our once great city, volunteers for my campaign are desperately needed, and sign-up sheets will be available at the door.
I look forward to meeting you and hope to see you at Norm’s.
Frank Sorick

Norm's Pizza and Eatery   4-6 PM   This Sat  Aug 15
275 N Sherman St, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania 

If you area unable to attend, but would like to offer your support:

Please make all donation checks payable to
Citizens Against Corruption
125 Waller Street
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702

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