Monday, January 2, 2017


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GRATITUDE TRAINING LLC ("GT") is an LGAT. An LGAT is a "Large Group Awareness Training." It effectuates results by putting students (Parts 1 and 2) in a group where they are "trained" for up to 14 hours per day on as little as 2-3 hours sleep (if any). An LGAT isn't necessarily harmful if the intense training fosters healthy bonding and righteous motives. GT does not operate this way.

GT seeks to control the student. Part 3 of Gratitude Training extends over 80 days and I call this the "indoctrination phase." The commitments that GT asks for monopolizes the student's time and hardly a day goes by where money isn't asked for to help with other students' tuition or for some activity in the training. Over time jobs are lost and families are fractured. A heinous practice of the cult consistent with breaking people down is the coercion of having students and staff work for no pay under using euphemistic words like "volunteering or service." This also includes commission free recruiting which populates the entire business. Free labor under conditions of coercion or fraud or force meets the standards of LABOR TRAFFICKING. 

This free labor and commission-free recruiting allows GT to run its for-profit business with almost no sales or marketing costs. The program is sustained on a bedrock of unpaid labor with the workers saturated with mind manipulation and the setting of nonsensical and delusional goals. Students become deluded to put the cult’s interests above their own and their families. The only winner here are those that profit... founders Jo Englesson and her mother and Head Trainer Francine Rahe etc...


    Students and staff become convinced that the temporary ecstasy can be maintained or regained through obedience to the cult which includes working for no pay. They believe it is necessary and imperative to stay within the energy of the cult. The unattainable goal of the perfect “10” life is held out as a perpetual, elusive, and unreachable goal.  Upon scrutiny massive fraud is revealed. A high number of students and staff live in destitution, debt, fractured and broken home lives, and some literally have no place to call home. GT has a word to describe this latter situation. It is called couch surfing. A young lady found her self in such dire straights from "volunteering" too much that she resorted to posing nude.

Within this maelstrom children are neglected and marriages are shattered. The cult intentionally deceives students by having staff come off as being successful in their line of work (or "no work") by dressing in business professional attire – often with borrowed clothes. The cult furthers the chimera by pushing the poor life results back on to the students claiming that they are responsible for every circumstance of their life.


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