Corruption (WB Police / LAG Towing / W-B Credit Union)
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My Take? Cash loans for stolen cars
(Boy... doesn't that sound legit?)
If Gerard Dessoye wants to have a booze party at his home - that's his business.
If Gerard Dessoye wants to have a booze party in the police station - it is the public's business.
City Charter 3:10 says: Council shall have the
power, by ordinance, to make or cause to be made, investigations, audits or
studies of the affairs of the City and the conduct of any City department,
office or agency.
The police station is not to be used like an alcohol soaked "Chuck E. Cheese."
It is up to Bill Barrett to find out who attended the booze party and to inform the public.
TIMES LEADER: CLICK HERE... Criticism of Council meeting changes
Translation: Council chairman Bobblehead Bill Barrett can't stand the truth. The truth is he is corrupt. I will bet you... I will bet you he never informs the public of Dessoye's booze party.
CITIZENS... I will open my blog to those who have something important to share. Don't waste your time on speaking to bobbleheads at council meetings. Reach at least 1,000 people by posting here on WB TRUTH. All I ask is that it is accurate.
TIMES LEADER: CLICK HERE... Criticism of Council meeting changes
Translation: Council chairman Bobblehead Bill Barrett can't stand the truth. The truth is he is corrupt. I will bet you... I will bet you he never informs the public of Dessoye's booze party.
CITIZENS... I will open my blog to those who have something important to share. Don't waste your time on speaking to bobbleheads at council meetings. Reach at least 1,000 people by posting here on WB TRUTH. All I ask is that it is accurate.
Death Loop:
I repeat the "death loop" diagram below - and will continue to do so - until people's rights are restored to them. This is an abomination. NOT ONE AUTO THEFT VICTIM WAS ALLOWED TO PRESS CHARGES. HOW SICK IS THIS!
Question: How many auto theft victims were given the "thumb of the nose" when they sought justice?
Answer: All of them. Leighton and Dessoye are as culpable as anyone. They facilitated the auto theft ring. They both knew of stolen cars - had the authority to act on the victims' behalf - and willfully chose to look the other way. RACKETEERING ANYONE?
KIDS FOR CASH: Victims' families cried out to DA Lupas. His response? Go back to Civiarella. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?
Bottom Line: Some police chiefs cannot be trusted and are given way too much power.
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