Wednesday, May 27, 2015


I Believe...  that awards given to Leighton  stand as an affront and the ultimate insult to the victims of "CARS FOR CASH" (LAG TOWING)
(no public official helped 82 yr old Natalie Aleo)
for which Leighton stood over for years.

I Believe... that anyone receiving a public salary should be routinely drug and alcohol tested.

I Believe... that if any DUI is quashed (tossed) that the authority in charge should be liable if such driver kills other people in a subsequent alcohol related accident (Proof of quashers? Marty Kane and Stefanie Salavantis and Donald Whitaker). 

Marty Kane

Don Whitaker
(Play basketball with him?  No DUI for you!)


I Believe... that attorney Phillips (partner of Assistant DA Sam Sanguedolce)  
 has received an illicit advantage from Stefanie Salavantis in making a case "disappear."  See link HERE and click on "attorneys."  This case went through Magistrate Barilla and then disappeared. Salavantis needs to be investigated in this very clear case of corruption.

I Believe... Stefanie Salavantis should resign given that she (in her own words) calls herself an "administrator," She tricked the elctorate... plain and simple. She lied. And still does.

I Believe... that Greg Barrouk should not be rewarded a city administrator job after he "partied hopped" from George Brown's "losing" party to Tony George's "winning" party (and this isn't the only "hopping" he needs to stop). 

I Believe... that Leo Glodzik is being scapegoated over what hundreds knew about. It is a crime for a law enforcement official to not report a crime. Period. Salavantis is too weak to act.

I Believe... that Stefanie Salavantis should have given "Gas Gate" to the Attorney General given Mike Dessoye, Gerard Dessoye, and Thomas Leighton are brothers and cousins. What an incestuous stew!

I Believe... that Mike Dessoye could have been a hero to his brother Gerard by getting him drug treatment.
Instead Mike Dessoye allowed his brother to fraternize with and protect his old heroin addicted girlfriend. Despicable. This sullied the entire police force (yet King's gives G Dessoye protecting its young women... yikes!!!)

I Believe... that we need "adult supervision" in the District Attorney's office.

I Know... much more will be revealed. "Stefanie" is NOT the girl next door. You can trust the girl next store. She has been completely corrupted by the likes of Kane/Leighton/Dessoyes and others. She is in too deep.

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