"Oh Salavantis is not that bad... she just steps aside and lets others do the work."
"She is a figurehead... a nameplate... she does no harm."
If this is how you perceive our "do nothing" DA I ask you to seriously reconsider your opinion. Follow the flow of the post and I doubt you will be happy at the end.
Salavantis hired all the detectives including Mike Dessoye, brother of alcoholic former WBPD chief. Marty Kane's son (mulriple DUI's and job losses) is running for Magistrate. He received a job under imprisoned Judge Conahan (through his dad Marty Kane) and, as reported in a legal document, he routinely failed to show up for work and when he did he was often drunk.
WARNING: You are about to be sickened. Here is a letter from the County Detectives Assoc of Pa (our local detectives make $100 k per year). Astonishingly, it appears corruption amomg detectives flows right to the state level because no sane person could endorse Jared Kane. The reprobate Jared Kane is an individual who has squandered job after job and is redeemed only by his alcoholic father Marty Kane.
Magistrate Marty Kane's life tells a salacious story as well. His drinking is legendary. There was also a recent incident of interest. Despite being married and in a very public setting, Marty Kane was seen seen french kissing a transgender woman. My issue is not with his preferences but with his judgment and what he carries into the court room.
Here is a link to a DUI charged to Jared Kane (What else has been covered up?). See HERE
Anyone that endorses the degenerate, Jared Kane, is for all intents and purposes corrupt. Was this letter signed blindly? Or were local detectives summoned? Either way it is a disgtrace. Let's not pretend otherwise. Who is at the center of the detectives, the coruupt Leighton, the alcoholic Marty Kane and Gerard Dessoye, the one who perpetually failed to act on Lag Towing and the Mayor stealing gas? STEPHANIE SALAVANTIS. You cannot be surrounded on all sides with corruption and claim purity. She is knee deep in corruption and it is time we all realize this.
County Detective Dan Yursha

Detective Chris Lynch

Detective Chris Lynch

Mike Dessoye; brother of disgraced Gerard Dessoye
My fake interview with Mike Dessoye:
My fake interview with Mike Dessoye:
ME: So let me get this straight... during at least the last 6 years...you have had
information on...
- Gas Gate
- the bribe cars Leo Glodzik (LAG Towing) lent out (Majikes) and the Credit union scandal
- the heroin house that was protected by your brother
- the drug and/or sexual affair that your brother Gerard had with the "heroin honey" (Catherine Meehan) who spent time in prison for stabbing a fetus.
- the young mom that died from drugs obtained from the "heroin honey's" house
- Gas Gate
- the bribe cars Leo Glodzik (LAG Towing) lent out (Majikes) and the Credit union scandal
- the heroin house that was protected by your brother
- the drug and/or sexual affair that your brother Gerard had with the "heroin honey" (Catherine Meehan) who spent time in prison for stabbing a fetus.
- the young mom that died from drugs obtained from the "heroin honey's" house
- The fact that Sherman Hills has received very few inspections endangering the police that have to respond there.
- the universal and unchallenged knowledge that both Leighton and your brother have serious substance abuse issues.
Mike Dessoye: Yep. Know all about it. All too well.
ME: Do you think there is a conflict of interest between being the overseer of the police while your brother is Chief?
Mike Dessoye: In a polyanish world yes. But I don't live in that world... or one that is even remotely fair. Blame it on Salavantis. She hired me and knew many of these issues herself.
Mike Dessoye: I suppose you could call me an opportunity seeker... or perhaps an opportunity taker. Salavantis has been a pushover... and I have taken full advantage of this. Frankly, our system of justice is a mess... but I will soon retire. It is not about justice. It is about me.
- the universal and unchallenged knowledge that both Leighton and your brother have serious substance abuse issues.
Mike Dessoye: Yep. Know all about it. All too well.
ME: Do you think there is a conflict of interest between being the overseer of the police while your brother is Chief?
Mike Dessoye: In a polyanish world yes. But I don't live in that world... or one that is even remotely fair. Blame it on Salavantis. She hired me and knew many of these issues herself.
Mike Dessoye: I suppose you could call me an opportunity seeker... or perhaps an opportunity taker. Salavantis has been a pushover... and I have taken full advantage of this. Frankly, our system of justice is a mess... but I will soon retire. It is not about justice. It is about me.
More poor choices... Salavantis also used the law enforcement as "celebrity servers" as she polticized the Eric Frein murder and drew free publicity for her father's restaurant. Is this the job of a DA? Am I supposed to be inspired by the fact that there were two Dessoye brothers serving food? What a sickening display.. NOTE TO STEPHANIE: Rather than adding to the the $ 1/2 million pots that these families accumulauted (plus death benefits)... maybe you could give $100 to the family of slain 8 year old Tyler Winstead.
Pictures from Jared Kane's drunkem get together...
Likely tossing drinks down somewhere
Beth Gilbert is the stooge of the corrupt. They had to dip into college ranks to find someone naive enought to play the role.
Bill Barrett (left) corrupt as always. Question to Barrett: Why did you and Kathy Kane charge taxpayers for trip to Austin with no announcement? Looks, feels, and seems like you were hiding it!
Whether it is Marty, Kathy, or Jared... can find them at the bar
AA anyone?
False advertising... Marty or Jared?
False advertising... Marty or Jared?
Salavantis was seen privately with Leighton in Kingston. Mike Dessoye is Head of Detectives. It has been 3 or 4 years. Do you think maybe... just maybe... there is collusion going on? Salavantis claimed to be confused. Does anyone doubt that this confusion was deliberately set by Mike Desoye and the crony detectives? Folks... let us not kid ourselves. THERE IS MASSIVE CORRUPTION GOING ON. DETECTIVES INCLUDED.
Protection of LAG Towing? You betcha. Salavantis's hired gun (Sanguedolce) routinely threw out stolen car cases
I can't be bothered with stolen cars of poor people
Can imagine this?
- Your car is stolen (Price gouged $400, $800... whatever)
- You know who stole it (Leo Glodxik)
- You know where it is (LAG Towing)
You can't go to police, mayor, city council, state police, or the DA office?
Your legal rights and access to the courts are COMPLETELY DENIED.
Who is to blame? The head law enforcement officer. The DA. Stephanie Salavantis.
Daddy hug Salavantis and G Dessoye
I put together a case so compelling that I served it up on a "silver platter."
But this wasn't enough. It took a good ole boy's (state policeman) father to be pricee gouged before anything happened.
I was cited for trespassing for taking a picture of a truck being illegally driven by WBPD cop John Majikes
- This truck has LAG tags (was driven illegally) for more than a year in full view of ALL the cops. Thin blue line.
- In court the alcoholic Magistrate Marty Kane said I was not allowed to use a Constitutional argument without a lawyer.
- I was the only person (out of tens of thousands) to be cited for Trespassing behind the police station.
- Gerard Dessoye had the audacity to tell the paper every citizen was welcome back there but Robbins
- John Majikes is now living in the home of the late grandmother of Bill Vinsko and Leighton (who are cousins... just so you know how cozy it is
- I am told that this was the start of Credit Un ion gate (fraudulent loans)
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