Added: Bio for Mayoral Candidate Tony George (D). Scroll down
Boot Licking Bobble Head Brown
A vote for George Brown is a vote for Leighton
If you do not think they are in "lock step," consider this:
(A) Criticism I made in this blog a few days ago...
Which Towing Company has the WB Towing Contract?
City Wide Towing NO
Falzone's? NO (just a "temporary subcontract").
LAG TOWING? Yes. You got it.
So if you elect George Brown as Mayor... everything is in place to bring back Leo Glodzik after he finishes his short time in jail, Isn't this a heart warming thought?
(B) Leighton then "covers" (April 7) for George Brown by firing Leo Glodzik days after my criticism . See Times Leader article HERE.
The city was covering for LAG Towing until this blog pointed it out. Only then did they respond. It is like shoplifting and claiming innocence after you were caught and returned the items. Folks... you are a witness (right now... before your very eyes) to Leighton covering for George Brown. You cannot vote for this man.
Vote Tony George (D)
Vote Frank Sorick (R)

OTHER NEWS: Leighton and Vinsko provide cover for "LAG loaner car" driver (cop JohnMajikes)
Reputable sources report that WB cop John Majikes is living under the roof of the home once lived in by Mercedes Leighton. Mercedes Leighton is the deceased grandmother of both city solicitor William Vinsko and Mayor Thomas Leighton who are cousins. Leighton appears to be pretty close to the action for someone who greatly distanced himself to this corrupt credit union?LAG Towing debacle which ultimately ended in a suicide of the Credit Union Manager.
Below are the illegal plates on Majikes's truck. It was common knowledge to former chief Gerard Dessoye and others that Majikes drove a truck illegally for a very long period.
People may recall:
(1) Mark Robbins was the only one ever cited for Trespassing behind the police station. Charges were dropped in County Court.
(2) Gerard Dessoye (Salavantis' "adopted" dad) told Times Leader that every one was permitted to walk behind the police station except Robbins.
See below for election news regarding upcoming races.
Luzerne County DA Vote Vito Deluca (D) over the "Child DA" who used deceptive TV ads to buy her position.
DeLuca announces plan in Times Leader HERE
DeLuca announces plan in Times Leader HERE
Vito Deluca... Over 20 years of court room experience. Attorney DeLuca went to school locally at King's where he finished the highly touted accounting program. He then broadened his horizons at Pitt Law School. He has the unique perspective of seeing the business and legal aspects of a case. Our county needs the broad shoulders, seasoning, and sagacity of Vito DeLuca.
Vito Deluca... married and devoted father of two sons.
Tom Malloy (Cross filed. You can vote for him as a Republican or Democrat)
His opponent: We should not have to guess about the sobriety of our Magistrates or if they will show up for work. NO MORE NEPOTISM !!
Sam Troy (D)
Republicans can write him in to win in their party. This would mean he would win in.
May. Sam is a long time activist who should be rewarded.
May. Sam is a long time activist who should be rewarded.
Tony George (D)
Tony George and his wife, Maureen, have 3 children and 4 grandchildren.
A life-long city resident, Tony attended Dodson Elementary, Meyers High School, Luzerne County Community College, and King's College.
A life-long city resident, Tony attended Dodson Elementary, Meyers High School, Luzerne County Community College, and King's College.
In college, Tony majored in Social Sciences and minored in Education. To pay for college, Tony worked on the production line at the Stegmaier Brewery. He received his BA in Social Sciences and his Pennsylvania Professional Teaching Certificate in 1973 from King’s College.
After graduating King's College, Tony became a social studies teacher for the Wilkes-Barre Area School District. He then worked for Wilkes-Barre City's Department of Flood Control during the late 1970s.
Tony George completed the Pennsylvania State Police Academy's ACT 120 Municipal Police Officer Training in 1979, graduating first in his class.
Tony joined the Wilkes-Barre City Police Department in 1979 as a Patrolman and was promoted to Sargent then to Lieutenant. In 1996, Tony was promoted to Captain. After 20 years with the Department, Tony was promoted to Deputy Chief of Police in 1999 and to Chief of Police in 2001.
After graduating King's College, Tony became a social studies teacher for the Wilkes-Barre Area School District. He then worked for Wilkes-Barre City's Department of Flood Control during the late 1970s.
Tony George completed the Pennsylvania State Police Academy's ACT 120 Municipal Police Officer Training in 1979, graduating first in his class.
Tony joined the Wilkes-Barre City Police Department in 1979 as a Patrolman and was promoted to Sargent then to Lieutenant. In 1996, Tony was promoted to Captain. After 20 years with the Department, Tony was promoted to Deputy Chief of Police in 1999 and to Chief of Police in 2001.
Tony is a 1996 graduate of Leadership Wilkes-Barre. He was elected to City Council in January 2012.
Tony George is currently employed by the Wilkes-Barre Career and Technical Center as a School Resource officer. He has held that position for the past 11 years.
Tony George is currently employed by the Wilkes-Barre Career and Technical Center as a School Resource officer. He has held that position for the past 11 years.
The Urbans have provided some entertainment... but they are honest. This man works 12 hour overnight shifts. He is disciplined and a steadfast worker. His Masters degree and knowledge of government provides an opportunity we cannot pass up.
Write in Tony Brooks as a Democrat (D)
Tony Brooks (R)
... Multiple people have suggested that Ron Trimble (D)
is a very nice gentleman. But Tony Brooks has
shown an eagerness and passion for public servant hood
that few have shown. He is truly a diamond in the rough.
Wilkes-Barre must take advantage of this opportunity. Write
him in and we will have the surety of his services in May,
is a very nice gentleman. But Tony Brooks has
shown an eagerness and passion for public servant hood
that few have shown. He is truly a diamond in the rough.
Wilkes-Barre must take advantage of this opportunity. Write
him in and we will have the surety of his services in May,
I spoke with William Lewis (D). William is very impressive. He has
acumen which greatly belies his age (22). Mr. Lewis will contribute greatly in many capacities. Yet he himself stated that Tony Brooks
is the best candidate for now. My endorsement remains with Tony Brooks.
There is no negativity towards Mr. Lewis or Trimble.
acumen which greatly belies his age (22). Mr. Lewis will contribute greatly in many capacities. Yet he himself stated that Tony Brooks
is the best candidate for now. My endorsement remains with Tony Brooks.
There is no negativity towards Mr. Lewis or Trimble.
Thomas Unvarsky (D)
Republicans can write him in to win in their party. This would mean he would win in.
William Smith (D)
Republicans can write him in to win in their party. This would mean he would win in.
About me
Current Ministerial Student; Christian leadership and Urban Ministries
Co-Owner Thrive Wellness Center
Wall Street Equities trader
Fortune 200 Sr Financial Analyst
Business Analyst for IPO launch company in Orlando FL
Owner Frozen Yogurt store
Taught Undergraduate classes at Lehigh Univ in Management
Teacher and 4 team Coach at Bullis School in Potmac MD
Masters: Ministerial Student in Christian leadership (current)
Masters: Ministerial Student in Urban Ministries (current)
Masters: Valedictorian Lehigh Univ MBA
CMA Certified Management Accountant (similar to CPA format)
CMA Certified Financial Manager (similar to CPA format)
Leadership Wilkes-Barre graduate
Wake Forest University; Economics Major
Wyoming Seminary Cum Laude Graduate; 2 sport Captain/MVP
CORRUPT LACKEYS: A vote for these lackeys is a a vote for Leighton... plain and simple.
- George "empty suit / bobble head" Brown who is on the committee to clean up Sherman Hills /Inter faith Heights. Way to go, Brown!! You have made so much progress! Two more shot at Sherman Hills /Inter faith Heights HERE.
- Mike "I slither therefore I am" Merritt (and Bill Barrett) who serves only as nameplates that magically votes 100 % of the time with Leighton
- DA Salavantis who can't see Leighton stealing gas when it is plastered on a billboard.
Which Towing Company has the WB Towing Contract?
City Wide Towing NO
Falzone's? NO (just a "temporary subcontract").
LAG TOWING? Yes. You got it.
So if you elect George Brown as Mayor... everything is in place to bring back Leo Glodzik after he finishes his short time in jail, Isn't this a heart warming thought?
Several sources have independently contacted me and told me they are 100 % sure that Leighton has taken cash from Sherman Hills. Something funny has to be going on to "make sense of nonsense."
1) The near complete lack of inspections
2) This drug and murder infested complex sold for a $ 7.7 million profit to itself (a subsidiary). $ 8 million to $15.7 million in 3 years.
3) Leighton Democrats Pushinski, George Brown, and Matt Cartwright comprise some of the Kangaroo investigation committee.
Allow me to explain that I am approaching nearly four years of anti-corruption work.
I have never been in any criminal court in 49 years. Since poking around Wilkes-Barre I have been to court NINE times. Every case I have won or it was thrown out.
I was the only person EVER to be cited for trespassing behind the police station out of hundreds every day. The alcoholic Magistrate Marty Kane told me I was not allowed to use the 14th Amendment (banning selective enforcement) without an attorney. He said this because the outcome was determined before I walked in. He was scared that my defense may have been "too good."
The courts have been corruptly used as a weapon of malice against me. Malicious prosecution. Offers at the court house have been made to me and promises have been broken.
Complaints lacking merit have been used by by corrupt officials in Wilkes-Barre and by Salavantis (to appease her corrupt brethren). In fact, Salavantis has referred a county case to the state Attorney General.
The charge? A Sherman Hills resident claimed I harassed her (phone totaling 2 minutes and 31 seconds). Dessoye's police police penciled in a curse word 6 days after I spoke to this person. I have received 56 lewd letters from such individual over 2 years and I am the one charged with a misdemeanor.
We are to have a jury trial over this. I am not joking.
Along the way I have put time into my research that would have made me famously wealthy if I was paid by the hour. I have bought people new cars for LAG Towing victims. I have saved people from evictions. I paid legal expenses for a poor African American kid who was unfairly attacked. I have paid to free cars from LAG Towing's price gouging. I have helped crime victims with cash and I orchestrated the "Christmas makeover" in the Times Leader for the lady and children featured in south WB (for which I was cruelly attacked). I even helped pay for the funeral of a little boy that was murdered.
Money received from anyone for any reason? Zero
I haven't mentioned these things because I don't believe in publicizing one's good works. But it is important for you to know the platform on which I stand. It is necessary that you know something about me before taking my advice.
I have done all that I can. All you need to do is get to the polls and vote for the candidates with the most integrity.
We cannot for for Controllers that were first grade teachers.
We cannot vote for a DA who has never tried a case.
We cannot vote for officials with obvious substance abuse problems.
Avoid these people like the future of Wilkes-Barre depends on it - cause it does!
Stack of Corruption
(under Leighton's thumb)
(under Leighton's thumb)
Bill Barrett - Charges taxpayers (along with Kathy Kane) for trip to Austin Texas. He did this secretly. Upon being found out he claimed he was "looking into police cameras."
1) He has to go to Austin Texas to research this?
2) It is not his duty or responsibility to do this.
3) He defended the trip by claiming it was budgeted. I didn't know "fleecing" was part of the budget.
4) He and Kathy Kane didn't fess up to the trip until they were caught.
WBRE mutltiple times
Citizens Voice
Times Leader
WB Independent Gazette
Steve Corbett
Sue Henry
Leading blog of its type in NE PA
Almost 250,000 visits and 1.4 million page views
2014 E mail hacker offered me money for city e mails. Reported to FBI.
I was wired and used in an FBI Sting. The sting was successful.
2014 Incessant letters of a lewd and disgusting nature have been sent to me.
56 letters total dating back to July 2013 (almost 2 years). A Federal
investigation was opened on my behalf. Evidence has been sent
to Quantico Va for analysis. I have allowed the FBI to take letters
from my mail box which has spared me from having to look at them.
From Federal Law Enforcement Agency
Mr. Robbins,
I wanted to personally thank you for your email message. My colleagues
I wanted to personally thank you for your email message. My colleagues
and I always strive to serve the public; that means doing what it is right and just
without regard to personal opinions or gain. You have epitomized doing the right
thing with your constant struggle to shine a light on what you have seen and experienced
in your city and county. I thank you for your efforts and encourage you to continue.
You have done a great deal of good in the recent past and can indeed take credit for
helping to clean up some of the crime and other issues which exist in and around WB.
Keep working with us; your help is very valuable and very much appreciated.
Signed by Federal Law Enforcement Head
How it started:
Day 1: Memories of the way I was treated by four WBPD officers (Gerard Dessoye's cops) when I asked for an incident report to document damage to my car by LAG Towing. Three cops were yelling at the top of their lungs.
(Name and faces redacted out of an interest in moving on.)
Knowing it would be my word vs theirs... I actually took a polygraph test so I would not be discredited.
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