Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Vito DeLuca = Our next District Attorney

Anyone who was a witness to Vito Deluca's speech at his rally (April 22) knows that he is head and shoulders above Stefanie Salavantis in all critical categories. DeLuca was restrained in his criticism of Salavantis but I have the privilege of being more blunt.

The ONLY REASON Salavantis is the DA is because daddy (and friends) put together a false TV ad canpaign. Salavantis savagely defamed Jackie Musto Carroll in regards to "Kids for Cash" which was a complete fabrication.

IS THIS HUG APPROPRIATE?  WHY DIDN'T DA SALAVANTIS RECUSE HERSELF FROM GAS GATE?  Below Salavantis is giving a bear hug to Gerard Dessoye - the cousin of Tom Leighton... the man she is investigating.

07/06/12    The district attorney (S Salavantis) on Thursday vowed to look into 18,000 gallons of missing gasoline intended for city vehicles. 

07/06/12    "Honestly, I can't really - I don't know. I don't know why I didn't fill out the log," Leighton said. "I can't answer that question."

Is 18,000 gallons a lot?

Consider you could circle the earth in a car 21 times.
(math nerds:  18,000 gallons times 30 mpg divided by 24,901 = 21.69)

07/06/12    "It was not hidden that I took gas," said Leighton, who defended his action because he filled up his vehicle in lieu of accepting a city-owned car. "Everyone knew I took gas."

07/06/12    Leighton said he and a few other city officials - he could not say how many others are involved or who they are - were authorized by the administration to fill up their private vehicles when used for city business. (Names please?   Just city business?)

07/06/12    "Eighteen thousand gallons sounds like a lot - and believe me, I thought it was a lot - until I found out how big these gas tanks are," Leighton said.

You could go to the moon and back and still have gas left over.
(math nerds:  18,000 times 30 mpg divided by 238,900 = 2.26 ... one "up and back")


07/06/12    City-Wide Towing owner Bob Kadluboski said he was rebuffed by a Wilkes-Barre police officer Thursday when he tried to file a criminal complaint against Mayor Tom Leighton and other city officials for stealing gas paid for by taxpayers. Kadluboski said he spoke with Sgt. William Harden on the phone, and Harden refused to take the complaint because the administration was already investigating the missing gas.

07/06/12    "That should not be the case, no matter how frivolous an officer may think it is," Salavantis said.

Recently a man was arrested for stealing a canister (2-3 gallons) of lawnmower gas from the back of a public works vehicle.

Sanity check # 1
3 gallons is less than 18,000 gallons (.00016).
The man who stole 3 gallons was arrested.
Why has no one been arrested for stealing 18,000?
Just wondering.

Sanity check # 2
Do Leighton’s wife, kids, and kids’ boyfriends/girlfriends count as city workers?
Just wondering.     

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