Tuesday, August 27, 2013

3 scintillating upcoming articles

WB Truth to partner with W-B Independent Gazette   See upcoming articles below.
I am offering my “WB Truth” blog to be published under the W-B Independent Gazette name. It will also appear separately as you now find it. It makes sense to synergize with this paper to reach as many people as possible. I have made my blog available to all the public. Despite 33,000 views after starting this summer… I have not earned a dime.

I will also be working on feature articles to include:

1)    Payments to Judges    Nearly all of the Judges have taken campaign contributions from attorneys. Some have said they would disclose any conflicts in court.
A)  Are they disclosing? Or were these empty promises?
B)   Can they give us lists of contributors (attorneys)
C)  Would they now be willing to disclose contributors going forward?

Folks, this is a monumental issue. How would you feel if you felt you unfairly lost a case only to find out the opposing attorney gave the Judge $5,000? And what if your attorney gave money to a “rival” Judge in the election?

Judges need money for re-election. You don’t think they are going to favor the attorney who has given money in the past. The system is completely biased. It is rigged.

2)    Drug testing for officials and Judges. Don’t you think it is extremely naïve to drug test only those people who work at Best Buy, Turkey Hill, or Lowe’s? Does holding a higher office somehow make you immune to the addictions and temptations of everyone else? Remember, a Judge is only an attorney that won votes.

Should citizens be forced to have a Mayor, chief, and Magistrate who have been actively addicted not just for years… but likely decades? This is insanity. For evidence to the carnage I submit to you the current state of Wilkes-Barre.

Drug testing can only help people. It isolates a problem quickly so that person can get help (and save their job, family etc.). Seen clearly, there is no downside. A bill needs to be introduced.

3)    Gay Conversion therapy and the church    About five years ago a Minister at a local church was worried about “hate crimes legislation” because it would take away the right to talk against gays. “Exodus International” had been the standard bearer for gay conversion therapy. Since then its leader has claimed that one’s sexual orientation cannot be changed and trying to do so is harmful. Alan Chambers has since apologized to those he hurt.

Yes, homosexuality is considered a sin in the Bible (it is really there). But so is lust for a woman, lying, and even coveting. When is the last time you heard a Minister rail against those who “covet?” (in fact capitalism itself is based on coveting).

I would like to do an article on where many churches stand on the issue.

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