Monday, May 19, 2014


SEE CITIZENS VOICE article regarding Golodzik and FBI  HERE

Why did Glodzik not rat out anyone before "bait gate" was over? Because there was no reason to. He had a chance to be found not guilty. Why not take a roll of the dice?

Now everything has changed. He has a Misdemeanor for head butting a cop and is now a convicted felon. Any more felonies and he will spend multiple years in jail.

The credit union manager did not kill himself over nothing. It was something very big. Whose cars do you think cops were taking VINs from to get fraudulent loans? The first domino has fallen and I hope Leo Glodzik can do the right thing. Leo - if you read this - don't take any bullets for Leighton and Dessoye. You will be the first they throw under the bus. I know you know this.

Best advice:  Put your head down and move forward by "doing the next right thing." Wait too late to continue lying.

Glodzik (unwittingly) has admitted to two bribe schemes. Anything a cop takes of value is illegal and against their oath. Period. A WB chief who wasn't a drunk and dirty himself would clearly fire these cops and press charges. Instead he promotes them so he (Dessoye) is surrounded by a lot of "dirt at the top." Any cop who accepts "anything of value" from LAG - LAG who is completely dependent on the cops' activities for his livelihood -- is taking a bribe. Clear as day. 

1) Glodzik admitted to giving loaner cars to cops (approx'ly 10)
2) In court Glodzik said he gave free tows to any cop.
Folks... these are bribes which he has admitted to.

And this doesn't count for the worst secret in town... that Glodzik "took care" of cops who towed him cars. Kickbacks. Or the next "worst secret"... that Leighton got paid off for the LAG contract. More kickbacks.

A bit strange, don't you think, that Leighton secretly chose Glodzik for all of the sweetheart property deals? It never ends.

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