Tuesday, October 1, 2013

An Apology

An Apology
A reader pointed out something that I must apologize 
for in comparing WBOC (WB Bureau of Organized crime) 
Chief Gerard Dessoye to the Cowardly Lion

I wish to apologize to the Cowardly Lion.
The Lion does not drool and is not chemically addicted.
The lion actually faces his fears.

Continuation of series: "G Dessoye has cops do his dirty work"

Three journalists crossed through lot with interview, not ill intent, in mind, he says.

April 03. 2013 11:47PM  Times Leader

WILKES-BARRE — A day after three members of the news media were threatened with a trespassing citation, (see video from previous days's post), City Police Chief Gerry Dessoye said police do not intend to aggressively enforce signs that prohibit pedestrian traffic in a parking lot behind the police station...
Three journalists, including a Times Leader reporter, who were attempting to interview Dessoye on Tuesday were initially told they would be cited for trespassing after they passed through the lot, believing the chief had exited a door on State Street. Police later rescinded the citations in lieu of a warning (these reporters were illegally detained so Dessoye could slip out back door).

A secondary issue is that some police officers park their private vehicles there, said Dessoye, and there is concern someone might seek to damage their cars.
“In our line of work,” he said, “we don’t like people snooping around vehicles.” (No... this is not a concern as they have allowed people back there for years.)

That seemingly explains why Forty Fort resident Mark Robbins, who was observed while snapping photos in the parking lot at 3 a.m.(Wrong!!! 10:50 PM) Sunday, was cited for trespassing. 

Robbins on Wednesday questioned why he was cited while the news media members were not. Robbins said he went to the lot to get photos of a Dodge Ram truck purportedly being driven by officer John Majikes as part of his plan to expose how some officers have been loaned vehicles by city towing contractor Leo Glodzik III. The truck still has a specialty plate issued to towing operators.

Get this!!  The circumstances surrounding Robbins and the news media members are entirely different, Dessoye said. “He was there at 3 AM (No... it was 10:50 PM).,. “Officers were concerned for their vehicles and safety.” (Concerned only by me and not the other thousands?)

THE WBOC (WB Bureau of Organized Crime) likes to make up rules to detain those who expose corruption.

Dessoye laid it on Brian Gist's shoulders in court to defend why I was the only person ever be cited out of tens of thousands. The case was eventually dismissed.

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