Monday, August 26, 2013

Glodzik to go to trial

Leo Glodzik to go to trial by jury November 1, 2013.

Highlights of hearing in front of Magistrate Paul Roberts of Kingston

- Leo Glodzik
- Atty Sklarosky
- Another man (in pic) who was with Glodzik and Sklarosky
- Sam Sanguedolce (Assistant DA)
- Pa State trooper Minmaug (who was part of the sting)
- Another man whom I believe works as a Luzerne County Detrective

- Based on the line of questioning, it appears (from me as an observer) that Leighton and Dessoye and the police were "on the take" (Atty Sklarosky's words) from LAG.

- Sklarosky hammered this point repeatedly and was consistently met with objections from which Magistrate consistently sustained. 

- State policeman Mimnaug claims he did not tell Glodzik to take bait money (as Sklarosky suggested)

- Sklarosky questioned the source of the bait money and where it is today.

- Information was presented that the FBI possessed a stack of complaints.

- At one point last winter, when Leo Glodzik saw agents across the street at LAG, he said "Who are the boons?" (not goons, but boons).

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