Monday, September 30, 2013

See for yourself… G Dessoye has cops do his dirty work

In the WBRE News clip below… you can see how Gerard Dessoye (Chief of WBOC; WB Dept of Organized Crime) puts WB cops in impossible situations. They must lie and do the exact wrong thing to please their chief.  

On April 2 of this year, Dessoye didn’t want to answer reporters about the “bribe cars” his officers were driving from LAG Towing.

(kinda looks like Dessoye)

So what did chicken little do? He had Joe Holden, Terrie Morgan-Besecker, and a photographer detained “illegally.” I say “illegally” because they had no intent to actually cite these people for "trespassing" behind the police station – nor had they EVER (YES... EVER!) cited anyone there before. (Does illegal detainment apply to cops?)

It was a ruse so “chicken little” could head out the back of the station, avoid the reporters, head home, and slip into his glass of Scotch (bourbon?). He then had the County Solicitor make a statement to cover for him (probably because Dessoye was lit up at that point... and Leighton for that matter).

Do you see from this one instance how the corrupt Gerard Dessoye quickly contaminates those around him? This is one small event. Multiply by the thousands of days he was handed the office and you can get an idea of the corruption.

It truly is mind blowing.

Oh... and who polices the police? Dessoye's brother! (Mike Dessoye; head of Luzerne County Detectives).


Sunday, September 29, 2013

Very serious Mischief

.... more later

On Thursday I filed charges against Cathy Bella:
1)  Lying to the police
2)  Filing a False police report

§ 2706.  Terroristic threats.
        (a)  Offense defined.--A person commits the crime of
     terroristic threats if the person communicates, either directly
     or indirectly, a threat to:
            (1)  commit any crime of violence with intent to
        terrorize another;

§ 2709.  Harassment.
        (a)  Offense defined.--A person commits the crime of
     harassment when, with intent to harass, annoy or alarm another,
     the person:
          (3)  engages in a course of conduct or repeatedly commits
        acts which serve no legitimate purpose;
            (4)  communicates to or about such other person any lewd,
        lascivious, threatening or obscene words, language, drawings
        or caricatures;
            (5)  communicates repeatedly in an anonymous manner;
§ 2709.1.  Stalking.
        (a)  Offense defined.--A person commits the crime of stalking
     when the person either:
            (2)  engages in a course of conduct or repeatedly
        communicates to another person under circumstances which
        demonstrate or communicate either an intent to place such
        other person in reasonable fear of bodily injury or to cause
        substantial emotional distress to such other person.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

WB Police intimidation continues

A day in the life of WB Dept of Organized Crime  (WBOC).

Chief of WB Organized Crime Gerard Dessoye apparently is deluded into thinking that I am the one responsible
for his:
1) Relation with a heroin addict and the "mother" of a heroin house
2) His blanket condoning of bribes taken left and right
3) His fostering and total complicity in the LAG scam that hurt the poorest of the poor and those who could not defend themselves.
4) His addiction to alcohol (ans perhaps narcotics).
5) Not getting the cushy state job he wanted. The problem is, Gerard, is that others see what we see. 

So much could be accomplished if you got help for what ails you. But you are too darn stubborn. I asked you two years ago and you still are not in recovery. 

You see... I am responsible for all of this and there is no personal responsibility on his part. Mark Robbins from Forty Fort is to blame. So let's go after him. It won't look fishy.

I will share a secret with you Dessoye. The Feds didn't raid you because you are doing things the right way. They raided you - not me!

I am one of the few people who actually took time to help victims... some black... some elderly.... some neither. I lent moral support and some I gave cash to replace their stolen or smashed cars. This is the villain they are after!

Dessoye and Leighton in their hazy minds can only see what they can get... not what they can give.

They continue to try and intimidate me. What is sad is they have others do the work for them (otherwise the cops will be blacklisted or fired).

So keep coming at me Dessoye while unsolved murders remain that way. It would be a Hail Mary if you actually won a case... and I will still be right here.

I will copy again below just part of what I received in the mail... and WB's finest is charging me with harrassment.

The Marty Kane "request for recusal letter" will be spicy (and I will share it with you, the readers, soon).

Sunday, September 22, 2013

The truth about the police report

The most successful local blog ever!!
0 = Refutations to the facts I present. Not one.

This has been a great medium to shine light on darkness.
Police need to be police... and not predators who stalk those they don't like. Unfortunately I am experiencing this below as the the WB police try and intimidate me with nonsense charges. They are messing with the wrong guy.

A crazed individual who has been sending me the creepy and disgusting messages below has tried to "turn the tables" on me by accusing me of harassment and stalking. The Citizens Voice published the police report while completely ignoring the feedback I gave reporter Chris Hong. Like most of these reports... many took it to be "gospel truth." Nothing could be further than the truth! All I have done is contact the harasser/stalker because I wanted these menacing and obscene messages to stop. I then "facebooked" pending charges both as courtesy and as a further attempt to have her stop.

So... the WBPD is framing my attempt to have the harrassment terminated as harrassment (and stalking) itself. Using this line of thinking... one who stands up to a mugger would be deemed as a harrasser as well. Apparently, in Wilkes-Barre, one has no right to tell another person to stop abhorrent behavior.

Here is one example (more examples below):

What the police report doesn't include...
The police report does not include these alarming types of messages below (that were sent to me for months). I stopped opening them and began sending them to the state police.

I told Officer Rittel of the WBPD on Tuesday (Sep 17th) that I had been receiving these grotesque letters. I told him who I was in contact with the state police and asked that he (Rittel) contact them as well. Did he? It appears not.

So... if you were in my shoes... wouldn't it be appropriate to tell the sender of theses messages to stop? That is all I did. 

It appears that the filing of the police report was an orchestrated event... or at least something to celebrate. Perhaps they had cake and soda. I say this because Dana Cope's wife posted the police report on "Crime Watch" minutes after it was filed. It appears that certain cops were a bit too happy about this report. Bluntly stated - there are red flags here. They obviously didn't look into the leads I gave them and took as gospel the words of a Sherman Hills section 8 (alleged) cheat who appears to have profound psychiatric issues.
Fortunately I have evidence that will clearly show this person to be a profound liar.
More letters I received below (state police have many more)...

The caption in lower right above says "This is what my brain looks like... should I shoot it?"


LYING TO POLICE (whichever statute this is)

FILING A FALSE POLICE REPORT   (whichever statute this is)

§ 2706.  Terroristic threats.
        (a)  Offense defined.--A person commits the crime of
     terroristic threats if the person communicates, either directly
     or indirectly, a threat to:
            (1)  commit any crime of violence with intent to
        terrorize another;

§ 2709.  Harassment.
        (a)  Offense defined.--A person commits the crime of
     harassment when, with intent to harass, annoy or alarm another,
     the person:
          (3)  engages in a course of conduct or repeatedly commits
        acts which serve no legitimate purpose;
            (4)  communicates to or about such other person any lewd,
        lascivious, threatening or obscene words, language, drawings
        or caricatures;
            (5)  communicates repeatedly in an anonymous manner;
§ 2709.1.  Stalking.
        (a)  Offense defined.--A person commits the crime of stalking
     when the person either:
            (2)  engages in a course of conduct or repeatedly
        communicates to another person under circumstances which
        demonstrate or communicate either an intent to place such
        other person in reasonable fear of bodily injury or to cause
        substantial emotional distress to such other person.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

More charges added

Additional charges will be filed by me against the crazy lady sending me disgusting letters: 

1) Lying to police 
2) Falsifying a police report

These will be added to Harrassment, Stalking, and Terroristic threats.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Gerard Dessoye hits new low

I say this clearly and substantially to the state police, FBI, DA, and Attorney General and whoever is free to view this... 



IS there no remedy in Pa for a rogue, retribution hungry, corrupt, alcohol/drug addicted chief?

There were some bizarre and ridiculous charges filed against me and I would like to inform the readers of what I have been receiving over the last three months or so.

A person has been consistently sending me lurid and obscene letters with no return address. Typically I received two per week (See examples at bottom). The letters were so graphic and creepy that I knew it had to be coming from a person who is deeply disturbed. I forwarded every letter to the state police. Many I wouldn’t even open.

I have evidence to prove who it is. I am sure. I will share with appropriate authorities.

On about the 15th letter I decided I had the right to tell this person to stop her lurid mailings.

Knowing this person is disturbed, I contacted her earlier this week (about 80 days after receiving the first grotesque letter). I tried to be compassionate. I asked her if she would get counseling that I would forego any and all legal action against her. She instead lied to me some more pretending “she doesn’t know who I was.” She will need to be a world class liar in court if she expects to get away with that one.

I next sent her a copy of the charges I planned to file against her… both as a courtesy and because I really wanted these crazy mailings to stop! Many people have also told me she is a “section 8” queen and the collective incomes in her Sherman Hills unit vastly exceeds the threshold. They see her as a cheat. I reported this to Sherman Hills after she became combative with me.

A WB policeman called me after I phoned her. He said “Don’t call her again.” I haven’t. The situation was closed. Then an officer told me not to send her any messages regarding copies of the charges… “just do what you need to do to file charges.” I said that will be fine.

I brought the charges I wanted filed against her to the Forty Fort police. A few hours later I learned that she had filed almost the same charges against me. Of course… the police had “cleared” this issue with the instruction not to “contact her.” That was the deal. Then why did I find out later that charges I filed against her were filed against me? The officers did their work professionally and this result is NOT where they were heading with all this.

We all know the deal… cops and other city workers will jump off the Market Street Bridge if ordered. Otherwise they would be blackballed and likely be eased out. This is no secret.

You are in better standing with the Chief if you have accepted a bribe rather than not. To repeat… You are in better standing with the Chief if you have accepted a bribe rather than not.

DESSOYE?    If these charges weren’t steered by Gerard Dessoye - he minimally is responsible for them as WB Chief of police. I say this clearly and substantially to the state police, FBI, DA, and Attorney General and whoever is free to view this – IT IS IMPROPER FOR DESSOYE TO USE HIS POSITION AS A WEAPON AGAINST HIS CRITICS. HE IS ENGAGING IN THE MOST SERIOUS FORM OF CORRUPTION AND HE SHOULD BE REMOVED. THERE ARE UNSOLVED MURDERS AND THIS IS WHERE HE FOCUSES ATTENTION? UNBELIEVABLE!!

Once… Twice…
Dessoye has already tried to convict me of Trespassing charges (behind the police station) after I was the only one EVER to receive a citation. A that time
-         He ignored the illegal tags on John Majikes’s truck
-         He said “there was nothing he could do” about this bribe.
-         But he could go after this for Trespassing
In this instance…
-         He could find out if this deranged lady is sending me disgusting mail
-         He could find out if this lady is breaking the section 8 housing rules at Sherman Hills
-         But he files charges against me solely because I – one day – told this lady to stop

I am not the reason and he has substance abuse problems.
I am not the reason he protected his “heroin honey” and a drug house.
I am not responsible for his blanket protection of LAG Towing
This individual needs to look in the mirror and take responsibility for his actions.

The fact that he is hitching his wagon to an alleged Sherman Hills Section 8 welfare queen is very telling. CHARGES NEED TO BE FILED AGAINST DESSOYE FOR ABUSING HIS OFFICE. HE IS HARRASSING ME!!!

The caption in lower right says "This is what my brain looks like... should I shoot it.

Please file the following against Cathy Bella… just like the Dallas police did for a Dallas man who was recently getting obscene letters from an anonymous source.

§ 2706.  Terroristic threats.
        (a)  Offense defined.--A person commits the crime of
     terroristic threats if the person communicates, either directly
     or indirectly, a threat to:
            (1)  commit any crime of violence with intent to
        terrorize another;

§ 2709.  Harassment.
        (a)  Offense defined.--A person commits the crime of
     harassment when, with intent to harass, annoy or alarm another,
     the person:
          (3)  engages in a course of conduct or repeatedly commits
        acts which serve no legitimate purpose;
            (4)  communicates to or about such other person any lewd,
        lascivious, threatening or obscene words, language, drawings
        or caricatures;
            (5)  communicates repeatedly in an anonymous manner;
§ 2709.1.  Stalking.
        (a)  Offense defined.--A person commits the crime of stalking
     when the person either:
            (2)  engages in a course of conduct or repeatedly
        communicates to another person under circumstances which
        demonstrate or communicate either an intent to place such
        other person in reasonable fear of bodily injury or to cause
        substantial emotional distress to such other person.

Corruption ultimately comes with a human price tag

When crazy ordinances are passed, and laws are not enforced by officials, and intimidation is used to get one’s way… danger ensues. Why? Because, collectively… citizens cannot take living under a double standard forever.

Who is at risk? In my opinion it is the police because they are least insulated.

What if….
1)    A landlord provides “blowback” to the Strike One Ordinance?
2)    Using the Thom Greco example… what if he (or someone like him) felt the need to protect his rights as so 30 cops show up to scare away the customers?
3)    A citizen has simply had enough when their children are deposed over a real estate deal?

The Strike One Ordinance is insane. Except in extreme cases (non-stop traffic going into house), the ONLY way to adhere to it is to
A)  Break laws that protect tenants
B)   Take a chance and falsely accuse someone and run the chance of a lawsuit.

Double standards:
1)    Leighton gets the courtesy of a cop ride home when he is wasted… this slays me. How about letting him suffer the consequences of a DUI at least once? It would be the best thing for him.
2)    The petty thief gets thrown in jail but there are no consequences for stealing (collectively) over $60,000 in gas. Theft is theft. (Anything ever happen to the female attorney who was double and triple billing? Nothing. COMPLETE DOUBLE STANDARD. The message is clear:  "Attorneys are above the law.")

Wilkes-Barre is a city that is poor. It’s dirty. It has a high rate of addiction (sellers aren’t selling to no one). It is an angry city. And it is all our problem because it will spread (been to Main St in Edwardsville?)

When the corrupt officials throw fuel on the fire… you aren’t doing the police any good. In fact you are endangering them. They don’t have the comfort of 4th floor offices, Barney Farms, and “thatta boy Mayor” (pronounced with an alcoholic slur) bars. They have to face it. Head on. This message has been lost in the haze that Leighton lives in.

Lastly, I copy below an editorial that I believe has a lot of merit. The topic? Bribes

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Kangaroo Appeals Court

Coming… to a board room near you… the biggest mismatch since Ali-Wepner. David vs Goliath. Since Gist/Kane vs Robbins.  

Bring your Special K (the cereal) because the kangaroos will be hungry and a hoppin.’

Come see the King squeeze the life blood (and livelihood) out of an honest citizen! Landlord Adam Peters will take on the kangaroo court made up of hand-picked cronies.

Folks… we haven’t seen a kangaroo committee like this one since… well…. the LAG Investigation led by King Baby himself.

This will be a spectacle. A modern day “Christians to the lions.”

Get your tickets now. October 17. Children under 17 not allowed (unless deposed by Leighton and attorneys for intimidation purposes).

Leighton's legal fees gone wild - and you pay for it

Please take a look below at the outlandish legal fees that are about to be charged to the taxpayers due to "Retribution and Bully" machine of Dessoye/Leighton.

A new venue for their thug tactics will be the new "Strike 1" policy that will ONLY be selectively enforced against landlords whom Leighton doesn't know or those who haven't paid Leighton to steer clear of their property. Cronies, as always, are as safe as a baby in the womb.


Monday, September 16, 2013

Index to all entries from WB Truth

INDEX TO WB TRUTH   46,037   views thru Sep 16, 2013
Just click the link of the post you want to see

New to WB Truth?  Begin here >> 

3)    Some WB Cops are diamonds in the rough
4)   Biggest Civil Rights lawsuit in NEPA annals (30 cops, police dogs, SWAT team… too amazing to believe)


Yo... drunken dictator... there's a storm comin' your way (blow back from “Strike 1” rental unit closing)

"Strike 1" Ordinance... a catastrophe in the making

Leighton/Dessoye = No true support

How "PAY TO PLAY" works

Cops and firemen more important than vacant buildings

Ethics... As Easy As Spelling W-A-L-T    (Controller Walter Mitchell)

RIGHT TO KNOW SUBMITTED - LEGAL FEES REQUESTED   (Leighton charges all legal fees to taxpayers)

WE SHOULD HAVE LEIGHTON'S KIDS DEPOSED!!!   (Leighton stoops low by making children give depositions)

 LEIGHTON USING THUG TACTICS AGAIN!!    (Intimidation tactics against city paramedic)

WB Trivia Pursuit! … and 40,000 views. Thank You!  (A spoof: Hilarious multiple choice questions)

Leighton and Sherman Hills (low income public housing)


Pyramid scheme warning !!

The message is spreading

Local African-Americans... good reason for concern

Complaint filed against Chief Dessoye

3 scintillating upcoming articles

One incident report changed local history (The WB police refusal to give me one started everything!)

Glodzik to go to trial

Record setting weekend

Where is our 24/7 Mayor?  (as children get shot in face and neck?)

God bless the Police

Source of kids being shot?  Chronic Boozing and Using

Thank You W-B Councilman George Brown  (for holding town meeting)


The Urbans

Bribes, Bribes, & more Bribes

Ms. Salavantis... ahem... aren't you forgetting someone?   (Why isn’t Mayor charged for theft of gas?)

A Million dollars worth of dishonesty    (Mayor Leighton actually hid one million dollars!)

"One Strike" Ordinance whiffs 

Justice is demanded on "Gas Gate"    (Why no charges for stealing gas after one year?)

We ask you be evaluated for drugs and alcohol    (Can’t run a city or police force while actively addicted!)

YOU ARE KIDDING, RIGHT (about Strike 1 ordinance)?

Why Leighton's plan will fail

"One strike plan" will strike down a cop

Did the alcohol do the talking on this one?

"Autopsy" of Trespassing fiasco (How Dessoye tried to selectively enforce law against me)

Sign Petition for Gas Gate

Mike Dessoye's responsibility?  (Brother of Police Chief Gerard Dessoye; Head of County Detectives… He has a duty to pursue justice and not simply protect his brother)

Drugs and cops

JULY 2013

Two Unsung Malefactors (M McCormick and Greg Barrouk)   


WB Police Chief Dessoye - It's time... for real. Look at your addictions.

WB Murder rate 506% higher than national average

Felonies I filed with FBI

Can a Mayor hide $1 Million?

BILLBOARD NOW UP    (Showing Leighton stealing gas)

GAS GATE: Someone must pay

Leighton's complete embrace of Glodzik


Kobby & Leighton

Bill Barrett (WB Council President) - Please leave

VIVA MORABITO (Judicial candidate took no money from attorneys)

How WB cops are promoted

Biggest Civil Rights lawsuit in NEPA annals (30 cops, police dogs, SWAT team… too amazing to believe)

Real Estate Flowchart  (once again… rules aren’t followed)

No Justice No Peace

Flowchart of nepotism

JJ Murphy (nicknamed “the snake”… former City Manager)

JUNE 2013

Senta Boyer - just one victim saved (Victim I helped get into a new car as LAG Towing stole hers)

Kane (Marty) is not able (ridiculous public drunken behavior from a Magistrate)

Car theft charges filed

City Attorneys - Lie-a-ton's Defense Team?

Dessoye and a mom's death   (Dessoye protecting drug house from which a mother of three died)

Dessoye's Heroin honey (Woman whom WB police chief Dessoye met with while she was selling heroin and narcotics)




The King's Shuttle (Police drive Leighton home when Leighton is wasted)

Some WB Cops are diamonds in the rough